
About us

We’re a small group of keen architects on a mission to tackle challenges bigger than ourselves. Arquitectura Reversible was founded in Barcelona in 2009, organizing a plethora of projects, events and activities related to the world of architecture and the city that hosts it.


We focus our efforts on providing cultural services to individuals and businesses of all sizes. Arquitectura Reversible always aims to deliver the highest quality of service to our customers. Our ideas spring from creativity, knowledge, quality and an in-depth understanding of the urban landscape.

Meet the team


Janice Moret

Founded Arquitectura Reversible back in 2009 aiming to develop architecture initiatives taking the city as the focal point. She has an extensive background in educational projects such as the management of the SEA Project by COAC and the co-organization of the 48H Open House BCN during its first 3 years.


Franc Mouzo

London is the starting point of this architect. In Barcelona he collaborates in the design and construction of works in the private and public sector. His vitality and work experience has turned him into an exceptional cicerone for Arquitectura Reversible.


Samantha Galloway

Architect by the UPC, with professional experience at architectural offices both in Spain and England, currently collaborates as a consultant in the Low Environmental Impact Urban Development at the Architecture & Sustainability Research Unit of Barcelona. She likes to communicate about architecture in a calm, educated and closer manner.


Raphäele Lésel

French architect settled in Barcelona since 1994. Raphaële is passionate about refurbishment and interior design, and she's also an expert in 3D computer graphics. She handles Catalan, French and Spanish with sense of humour and her vivacious personality always makes a tour better.

Communication producer

Mària Suárez

She has chosen an untrodden path in agencies: the possibility of un-hurried projects. Mària's career has developed in a harmonious way between her professional and personal interests: London, Madrid, Barcelona, design, architecture and trends are words attached to her latest bet: Pajarerianewton.


Antonio Navarro

Also known as the freelance photographer Wijkmarkphoto, there is nothing that escapes his view. His capacity for synthesis defines the well-known sentence 'A picture speaks a thousand words'. We count on him to give this image to our work.


Maria Gómez Llabres

Is the youngest architect in the group and also the most enthusiastic. She studied at the ETSAB and in Montreal. She has great experience in working with young people, speaks four languages and always when she can, returns to her homeland of Mallorca.

Graphic designer

Susana de Castro

This Galician settled in Barcelona is the one in charge of the graphic design of Arquitectura Reversible. Her work at the leading branding agency Morillas doesn’t stop her from extending her creativity further and collaborating in other alternative projects.

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