
The Architecture of Water

A workshop specially designed for families, through the central hydraulic area where the wells, the deposits and the machinery share the same space and form a living museum. We will discover the exact functions that have been assigned to these specific spaces, dimensions and forms.

The itinerary is lead by architects who explain the different structures that support the buildings around the area, using daily elements and materials manipulated to imitate and understand what we are seeing.

The participants learn by playing, and are encouraged to create their own specific structure following the concepts that are described along the walk through the building that once housed the water deposits.

The more you look, the more you see. The more you see, the more you think. The more you think, the more ideas you will have!


48H Open House

A unique opportunity to enjoy architectural experiences in the city. This event aims to encourage locals to appreciate the value of good architecture and urbanism, opening over 150 great buildings of different styles, forms and sizes to the public.

The 48H Open House Barcelona program is built around the broad network of buildings that will open their doors to the public and it is set within the ten Barcelona boroughs (Ciutat Vella, Eixample, Gràcia, Horta – Guinardó, Les Corts, Nou Barris, Sant Andreu, Sant Martí­, Sants-Montjuïc and Sarrià – Sant Gervasi). The participation of many architects and volunteers explaining the city’s architecture, different activities which complement the event, and the fact that it is a completely free event, encourage a dialogue between visitors and citizens to improve architecture and public urban space knowledge.

Find out more here.